Jenna had a Saturday never to be forgotten, and thankfully she pulled it all off! Here is a timeline:
- 2:30 am -- arrive back home after trip to Salt Lake City and performances in the Tabernacle at Temple Square with both the Madison High School Choir and Orchestra
- 7:15 am -- wake up to get ready to take the ACT (for the second time) and look outside to see a driving Rexburg blizzard, or first of the year.
- 7:30 am -- the power goes out on our block so we cannot print the ACT admissions ticket, so we run to Dad's Office to print it, but the power is out there as well.
- 7:50 am -- we arrive at the ACT test site and plead for mercy, which is thankfully granted and she is allowed to take the test.
- 8:00 am t0 12:00 noon -- Take the ACT
- 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm -- Participate in the regional ballroom dance competition and have to compete with several partners, most of which are new to the ballroom dance world. Thankfully, a couple of her partners are experienced and she wins 2nd place in Cha Cha, fourth in the Quick Step, and 4th in the Rumba (see video of cha cha finals at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl5AEy2NCC8).
- 6:30 pm -- Jenna is picked up for her date to the Christmas Formal (see pic)
- Sometime around 1:00 am (the next day), she returns home and to bed, yeah!